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Trial ClubTrial Date
Manitoba GazehoundSep 11, 2022Scroll down for results.
Manitoba GazehoundSep 10, 2022Scroll down for results.
Alberta Lure Coursing AssociationSep 04, 2022Scroll down for results.
Alberta Lure Coursing AssociationSep 03, 2022Scroll down for results.
Vancouver Island Lure Coursing AssociationAug 20, 2022Scroll down for results.
Ontario Lure Coursing AssociationAug 14, 2022Scroll down for results.
Showing 43-48 of 408 items.

Trial you selected:

Norfolk County Hound Club : May 21, 2023

Open Afghan Hound - 1 CompetedJudges: Laurie Soutar
No placementCharlotteDream a Little Dream of Me; Jeannie Martin & Kathleen O'Brian4 Points
Open Azawakh - 1 CompetedJudges: Laurie Soutar
No placementSiriusNobelwinds A Wakh Among The Stars; Jenn Schielke4 Points
Open Basenji - 5 CompetedJudges: Karen Catt
BOB/BOMFoxHeartbeat Fox on the Run to Darkness; Troy Whalen & Judy Murphy & Andrew McDonald20 Points
2ndPierreHeartbeat Vagabond; Troy Whalen & Amanda Moore15 Points
3rdPatriciaHeartbeat Princess Patricia; Troy Whalen & Amanda Moore10 Points
4thLeroyCh Heartbeak Treetop Lover V Darksun; Troy Whalen & Amanda Moore5 Points
NBQPhoenixHeartbeat Pheonix Rising; Troy Whalen & Rebecca Bennett & John Bennett0 Points
Open Greyhound - 1 CompetedJudges: Laurie Soutar
No placementSummertimeLakilanni The Living is Easy; Christine Laliberté4 Points
Open Whippet - 5 CompetedJudges: Moyra Hamilton & Laurie Soutar
BOB/BOMVentiDomino Group of Seven; Kate Darbyshire20 Points
2ndA-BeeDevonair's Abigail Has a Spot FCh; HJ Dansereau15 Points
3rdSteelShamasan Better Late Than Never; Eva Hunter10 Points
4thCeeDomino Neon Carrot RN PCD; Kate Darbyshire5 Points
Dismissed in PreliminariesKikCity View's Kick Up The Jams at Surry Hill; HJ Dansereau0 Points
Veteran Whippet - 3 CompetedJudges: Moyra Hamilton & Laurie Soutar
1stEchoFallowfield Riff's Echo; Kate Darbyshire12 Points
2ndXiaraDevonair's Xiara FChX3; Anne Hulley & Don Hulley9 Points
3rdMylesLepus Stormy Weather; Jennifer Johanson6 Points
Search by dog:
NameCall Name
Abbaio Sambirano AvhiPharoahScroll down for results.
Abbaio The Mashed and the FuriousScaramoucheScroll down for results.
Aberle Flora The Red MenacePoppyScroll down for results.
Aberle Flora the Red MenacePoppyScroll down for results.
Aberle's Robot in DisguiseGrimlockScroll down for results.
Adare Windwood LPI TombiZuluScroll down for results.
Showing 1-6 of 933 items.