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Search by trial:
Trial ClubTrial Date
Rocky Mountain Whippet Club of AlbertaJun 25, 2023Scroll down for results.
Rocky Mountain Whippet Club of AlbertaJun 24, 2023Scroll down for results.
Ontario Lure Coursing AssociationJun 18, 2023Scroll down for results.
Ontario Lure Coursing AssociationJun 17, 2023Scroll down for results.
Alberta Lure Coursing AssociationMay 28, 2023Scroll down for results.
Alberta Lure Coursing AssociationMay 27, 2023Scroll down for results.
Showing 19-24 of 408 items.

Trial you selected:

Ontario Lure Coursing Association : Jun 17, 2023

Open Azawakh ` - 2 CompetedJudges: Karen Catt
BOB/BOMSiriCh Nightwind's Tiziri; Deanna Vout8 Points
2ndAxelAllai Wa Nsahel Axiorcesses Borealis; Jeannie Martin6 Points
Open Basenji - 2 CompetedJudges: Karen Catt & Jeannie Martin
BOB/BOMQuizSenbaje's Puzzling Proposition; Marie Heidebrecht8 Points
2ndNikeSinbaje Redefines the Position of Tar CA; Marie Heidebrecht6 Points
Open Greyhound - 1 CompetedJudges: Karen Catt & Jeannie Martin
No placementMonteLakilanni The Full Monte; Laurie Soutar & Kim Young4 Points
Open Ibizan Hound - 4 CompetedJudges: Kate Darbyshire & Jeannie Martin
BOB/BOMPennyIcyCold Sixth Cent; Karen Catt16 Points
2ndMemeCh Icycold Take a Second Look at Me FCh; Karen Catt12 Points
3rdGinnyIcycold Fifth Avenue Girl; Karen Catt8 Points
4thMadysonIcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue; Karen Catt4 Points
Open Saluki - 1 CompetedJudges: Karen Catt & Kate Darbyshire
No placementKingsleyKhamsin's King of the Road; Kathleen Welsh & Susan Konopa4 Points
Veteran Saluki - 1 CompetedJudges: Karen Catt & Kate Darbyshire
No placementZaharaGCh Zahara Aindifae Al Daoud CGN; Laurie Westman4 Points
Open Whippet - 6 CompetedJudges: Karen Catt & Jeannie Martin
BOB/BOMVentiDomino Group of Seven; Kate Darbyshire24 Points
2ndZeldaHyflyte Esmeralda; Michael Maybee18 Points
3rdFleetHyflyte Fleet Fox FCh; Erin McCorkell12 Points
4thNikkoTrezlar Nikko; Katja Osfolk & Lou Osfolk6 Points
NBQCeeDomino Neon Carrot RN PCD; Kate Darbyshire0 Points
No placementA-BeeDevonair's Abigail Has a Spot FCh; HJ Dansereau0 Points
Veteran Whippet - 4 CompetedJudges: Karen Catt & Jeannie Martin
1stEchoFallowfield Riff's Echo; Kate Darbyshire16 Points
2ndYaYaCh Devonair's Darkwing Yarah FCh; HJ Dansereau12 Points
3rdFableDevonair's Yarna Ducktale; Adrienne Osfolk & Anton Osfolk8 Points
4thXiaraDevonair's Xiara FChX3; Anne Hulley & Don Hulley4 Points
Search by dog:
NameCall Name
Amore's Cross My HeartErnieScroll down for results.
Ch Rasswet's DavinaDavinaScroll down for results.
Ch Nickeroos Icy Cold October RoadAutumnScroll down for results.
Icycold Second ComingHesusScroll down for results.
Ch Icycold Take a Second Look at Me FChMemeScroll down for results.
Ch Nickeroo's Icycold UR the One that I Want OliviaScroll down for results.
Showing 1-6 of 933 items.